
Bandit gets too smart...

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The journey home from the airport was long and relatively silent, due to the embarrassment of the adults. The only people talking were Bandit, Cherry and Lily, who had inconsequential whispered conversations. Bandit, the twins, Lyn-Z, Jamia, Frank and Gerard piled into Lyn-Z's 'practical seven-seater', as Gerard had described it when he'd bought it for her. Bandit and the twins sat in a row in the middle of the car, with Gerard and Frank in the back and Jamia and Lyn-Z in the front. Frank was still blushing slightly, and Gerard still appeared shell-shocked. Bandit was sat in the middle of the twins, and could hear her mum and Auntie Jamia tittering quietly to themselves about her Daddy and Uncle Frankie. Lyn-Z pulled over at the Iero house, and Frank and Jamia got out of the car. Gerard climbed out too, and got into the front with Lyn-Z.  Jamia opened the door for Cherry and Frank opened the door for Lily, and they each climbed out. Bandit was upset when she noticed that her Uncle Frankie didn't make eye-contact with her when she said goodbye and high-fived him. Lyn-Z and Jamia made hurried plans for a barbecue the next day, and Cherry, Lily and Bandit all grinned at the prospect of seeing each other again so soon. When Cherry and Lily had finished waving to Bandit and gone into their house, Lyn-Z pulled the car back out onto the road, and continued back to the Way residence. There were a few minutes of silence, and then Bandit spoke up.
"Daddy," She began.
"Yes, pumpkin?" He asked.
"You didn't answer the question." She said, pouting slightly because she knew he'd be looking at her in the mirror.
"Which question, B?" He asked, his voice going slightly higher.
"What's Frerard?" She asked again. Bandit watched her daddy close his eyes for a moment, and then turned to look at her.
"B, you're a smart kid. I guess you didn't fall for the evil twin thing, eh?"
"I told you Daddy, your eye twitches when you lie." Bandit replied. She could hear her mommy snigger in the driver's seat.
"You did." Gerard replied, smiling. "Now you need to be grown up, ok?"
"Okay Daddy." Bandit said.
"The thing is B, there are lots of girls out there that like me and your Uncle Frankie, like you liked the boy in that band. Do you remember?" Bandit did remember when she had liked the boy in the band. She remembered that her Daddy's band had ended up playing a concert with the band, and that she had met him and been really shy.
"I remember." She answered. "But why did that make you kiss Uncle Frankie?" Gerard's face became a little nervous, but he replied.
"Well, Bandit, the reason me and Uncle Frankie used to kiss was so that the girls would leave me and Uncle Frankie alone."
"How does that work?" Bandit asked.
"Well, how did you feel when you saw Frerard?"
"I felt sick." Bandit answered, recoiling at the memory.
"You see B, that's how they all felt." Gerard answered, struggling to come up with reasoning for Frerard. "Because they felt sick, they left us alone." He said simply.
"Is that why all the girls started screaming on the videos?" Bandit asked.
"Yes." Gerard replied. "And then they left us alone afterwards." Bandit was confused.
"Daddy," She began again. "Why did the comments on the video all say 'Frerard is hot' and 'OMG Frerard is so sexy'?" Gerard's resolve to give plaintive innocent answers began to wither drastically. He decided that when Bandit went to bed, he would phone Frank and they could brainstorm ideas together. Bandit was too smart to be lied to, and this was going to take a lot of explaining.
It's not as long as the others and the quality is kinda crappy, but I was in a rush.
Hope you like it ♥
Part 1: [link]
Part 2: [link]
Part 4: [link]
Part 5: [link]
© 2011 - 2024 nininoonoo
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SLenDErsUMmeRSevE's avatar
Bandit. "Your eye twitches when you lie." TROLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!